
Long Business Description

Please remember that there is a one hour parking restriction at the McDonalds in Eye. I've heard of a few cases where people have been caught out by this. This is enforced by not the store itself.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
01733 223792
Opening Times
Open 24/7
Business Address
Crowland Road
Eye Green
Post Code
  • McDonalds

One thought on “McDonalds

  1. June Sieley says:

    I am very unhappy to find that after a visit to your restaurant on 10 November to find I have been issued with a parking ticket for being there 103 minutes. This is very unsatisfactory as my friend was mourning the loss of her husband and we just needed to eat and chat. I am very surprised to find that we are only allowed an hour to have our meal and leave! Also, as a grandmother with young grandchildren who are slow eaters there is no way we would be able to have a meal and dessert in less than an hour!

    Also, as it was dark when I arrived and left I see no warning signs and after being there a couple of weeks or so before with no restrictions didn’t realise there would be any restrictions!

    Yours faithfully
    One very unhappy ex customer!

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One thought on “McDonalds

  1. June Sieley says:

    I am very unhappy to find that after a visit to your restaurant on 10 November to find I have been issued with a parking ticket for being there 103 minutes. This is very unsatisfactory as my friend was mourning the loss of her husband and we just needed to eat and chat. I am very surprised to find that we are only allowed an hour to have our meal and leave! Also, as a grandmother with young grandchildren who are slow eaters there is no way we would be able to have a meal and dessert in less than an hour!

    Also, as it was dark when I arrived and left I see no warning signs and after being there a couple of weeks or so before with no restrictions didn’t realise there would be any restrictions!

    Yours faithfully
    One very unhappy ex customer!

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